What to Look for When Buying a House: 10 Major Red Flags | Arbor Move Team

While most home buyers spend their time at an open house simply checking out the layout of rooms and kitchen appliances, smart shoppers know what really matters when it comes to buying a property.

I can tell you from personal experience that there are often problems with homes- deep cleaned or not! You shouldn’t be too impressed by how well everything looks inside either. Be aware if there’s mildew on ceilings or curtains lacking in cleanliness (and don’t forget about atrocious smells!). And finally…don’t let yourself get blinded by shiny things such as stylish furniture placed within these properties; sometimes those items were only added after all other necessities had already been met

There are so many things to look for when buying a house!

It’s a great idea to do your homework before going on home-buying expeditions. If you don’t know anything about the neighborhood or what type of house would suit well with family life, then chances are that this will not be an enjoyable experience for any party involved!
The open houses give buyers one last chance at getting everything out in the open so they can prepare themselves appropriately from each perspective: emotionally as well as financially. Make sure these tests go smoothly by preparing questions beforehand and practicing evasion techniques should things get too intense during inspection time.

Red flag No. 1: Too many artificial smells

The more aggressive the scent, Supplee says, the greater likelihood that seller is trying to mask from buyers a less desirable odor. This means looking out for plug-ins and wax warmers in living spaces as well as outside on your property—you might not be able fix smells if they come from these sources too!
The best way I’ve found it’s sniffing around every room you walk into; bedrooms included (especially any belonging to kids) but also basements/attics etc… Sniffing isn’t just limited indoors either – take some deep breaths of fresh air when possible too so t know exactly what kind or problem areas exist here.

Red flag No. 2: Check the tiles

Inspect the tile in kitchens and bathrooms. If gaps or tiles are slightly uneven it may indicate a DIY job; especially if you know this house was flipped by someone who is not really into remodeling business, had no clue what they were doing with their fixer-upper properties – you could be looking at big bucks on potential costs for re-installing new ones! Additionally, what else was done that wasn’t done by a professional.

Red flag No. 3: Get your inspector to check your foundation

House foundations are settling, which can be seen by hairline cracks that develop in the foundation. Other clues include sticking doors or windows and visible cracks above window frames as well as uneven floors where rolling marbles from one side will make them jump erratically across your living room floor- this is an easy tip off!

Red flag No. 4: Signs of deferred property maintenance

When I walk through a home, it’s easy for me to spot neglectful homeowners. You know those burned out light bulbs and leaky faucets? That long grass is their way of telling you “I totally spaced about our lawn!” But what really gets my attention are faded paint colors on the walls–they’re warning signs that this person has been living in blissful ignorance when it comes maintaining his/her place.

An attentive homeowner is going to flush the water heater annually, change air filters monthly and clean their chimney. In addition they will inspect roof for leaks as well as recaulk around windows or doors on a regular basis which keeps those systems in good working order! If you think your home inspection won’t reveal anything with these tasks being done but instead shows up right away then imagine what happens when things aren’t maintained properly?

Red flag No. 5: Nearby water feature

That neighborhood creek might look picturesque now, but it won’t when you get to see the cascading water through your back door.
The increasing unpredictability of weather means that we all need to be thinking about what happens if our house floods and how much damage an insurance company would charge us for this type of event on a regular basis- so think twice before buying or renting!

Red flag No. 6: Windows don’t seem right

One of the last things to look for when buying a house is lopsided frames and windows that won’t slide easily. These could be signs of foundation issues, as noted above or just poor installation work from someone who knows what they’re doing with home improvement projects like these! You’ll have to pay an expensive fix though–new windows are your only option if there’s too much play in them already…

Red flag No. 7: Signs of mold

You can tell if there is mold lurking in your open house by looking for signs of it around water pipes or drains. You should also check caulking on faucets and tubs, patches on ceiling tiles near sinks where people are sure to see them the most – because they have been shown not just as indicators but actual causes of illness!

Red flag No. 8: Water issues

A musty odor can indicate water damage, even if you don’t see standing water on the property. Check walls and ceilings for any signs of flooding from leaks or burst pipes that may have caused internal damages – these are some telltale clues! Also take a peek at exposed piping in basements or laundry rooms; look out for rust stains as well as leaking around this area too since they could be indicators also.

Red flag No. 9: Cosmetic enhancements

You can find all sorts of problems with your home that are hiding under the surface.
The first thing you should do is lift up area rugs and check for stains or pet damage, Gamble says Supplee does this before she even moves any furniture out-of respect for its condition!

Red flag No. 10: Improper ventilation

A lack of interior ventilation can cause moisture to bind, which leads to mold and increased allergies. The telltale sign that you have a problem: Look for condensation on windows or slightly bubbled paint around doorways–both are signs your home has been sitting in wetness too long! If it smells musty but no leaks show up anywhere else inside then there might be another source such as leaky pipes from an valve under the sink leading down into clay soil outside where water accumulating during heavy rainstorms seeps through easily before finally evaporating away.

Without adequate interior ventilation, moist surfaces will stay damp over time – this includes walls plus ceilings plus any nearby fixtures like showers.

Want to know what other buyers are looking for? https://blog.arbormove.com/2021/10/15/5-home-features-buyers-are-looking-for-arbor-move-team/


In addition, don’t walk through an open house the way you would a museum. Even though your home inspector is likely going to detect many of these problems down the line, being attentive for red flags in this type situation ensures that it’s not worth wasting time on what could potentially become another headache before even getting started with looking at houses again!

For a quick search of Ann Arbor homes for sale go here: https://www.arbormove.com/ann_arbor_real_estate

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